Monday, July 30, 2012

Blue Blotches....(and a big ol' butt)

I started pouring paint a few days ago.  I knew the big one was going to be a bird, but the colors came out too fruity for me.  Kind of discouraging, so I poured the remaining blue and red on two smaller pieces.

I saw antlers in this one and drew over it.

He's got a big ol' butt.  The antlers were fun to get lost in though.  Kind of like tangled, unclear thoughts.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday scribbles.........
I really wanted to start a new painting today.........but I got really distracted.  Everything was more fascinating than this blank piece of paper.  Finally forced myself to scribble something on it.

Then I got talking on the phone and this happened.  May have taken some artistic license with that beak.  I think the bleedy watercolor stuff is way more interesting than my sketch.
Now I'm thinking that I want to work on this guy that I started last weekend for a bit.  I want to do a series of red riding hood wolves, but they are way different than what I usually do (at least I think they are).  Which is scary, but kind of cool.  Hope to learn something new.
This was my first wolf.  I'm using acrylics for these.  I'm fighting them the whole way....keep expecting them to act like watercolors.  What was I thinking?!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Bird shapes......

 I sat at my table for ages yesterday and this is all I have to show for it.  I tore through loads of paper in the process.  These are just some bird shapes done with pencil.
More bird shapes......I grabbed a ballpoint pen at the end.

Wanna see more?  look here!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Some more of me......
To keep this blog from looking pathetic.....Here are some more examples of what I do.

 I like birds.  I'm not trying to be realistic with them.........

 I'd really like to put as little as possible on the page and still have it look like a bird.

See more here....

Everyone else has a blog.......why can't I?

It Starts! Played around with this while listening to the birds and having some coffee. I like the texture thats implied here. watercolor and watercolor pencils on lightweight bristol