Sunday, August 26, 2012


Starting the second in my ocean / autobahn series.

This was the first one - Birds, the Autobahn and the Ocean.  This was my attempt to paint sound that I hear from my table.  Birds = birds, autobahn = ocean, hornets = mopeds and lions = bikes.

I have never second guessed a composition so much in my life!  After pro-kraska-nating for most the day, I started to scribble in the big book of Kraska krap. I have these hornets in my head, but they're not making it to the paper just right........yet.

more krap......

This one kind of looks like an Imperial probe droid.....that's not a bad thing ;)

That intimidating piece of blank paper in the upper right will eventually be a painting.

I even did a little test run of the hornet.  Need to control those colors a bit better.  After posting this, I'm gonna dive into the real thing!  Otherwise I'll be second guessing this for days.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Let it go....

So I put off working on this thing because I thought the colors were too fruity and sweet.

I liked my original idea, so I went back in and tried to tone down all that pink stuff...

I'm liking the lost and found lines around it's head and wings.....think I'll play that up some more......

I like him flying into all that dark spooky stuff.  At this point I finally gained confidence with this painting and decided that I would push myself to finish it this weekend. 

I'm calling it done!  I could probably noodle away at it for hours, but I'm  not convinced it would make it any better.  Sometimes you just have to let go......sometimes you have to lose a few feathers in order to move on.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

More Blue and Odo

I revisited those blue botches that I made a few days ago over my coffee this morning.  I'm still avoiding that larger painting....too many colors.

I like the smokiness to the right and I think the darker stuff in the upper left is cool too.  I see antlers again.......or branches.

Odo says enough with the antlers already lady! He can be harsh sometimes.

Definitely antlers in there.........

.....and that smokiness on the right....maybe it's this critters's early morning and cold....or something.

Some darker blues and finding a light source.

There's those antlers I saw.  Added some white gouache for highlights.
